Multi-Dimensional Approach to Services

RVI is committed to providing an array of services to help each individual achieve his or her goals. We do what is called “braiding” of funding streams and services through the state and county Departments of Developmental Disabilities, the office of Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, and other agencies. For many of the people we serve, community employment is a main goal – but it might not be the only goal. RVI can provide “wrap-around services” in addition to the Individual Employment Supports. For example, in the summertime individual might spend two days a week working at a grocery store, spend two days earning money mowing at local businesses that have contracts through our Group Employment Supports program, and spend a day having fun on out-trips through the Adult Day Services Program. That same person could have a different schedule in the wintertime, keeping the grocery store job but switching the mowing for paid work in the employment and habilitation center two days a week. In this scenario, the funding for the search and job coach for the grocery store job could come from Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. Funding for the Group Employment Supports mowing job might come from regular waiver services from the Center for Medicaid Services, distributed through the state and county boards of developmental disabilities. The services can evolve as the person’s skills, goals, and life evolves. We will work with the agencies involved to layer and combine the services and funding to help each individual have the life he or she wants to have.